ZnO Additive For Rubber

ZnO Additive For Rubber | Image Resource : coherentnews.com
When it comes to the rubber industry it consumes up to 2.5 million tons of all the fillers functions. The rubber industry alone uses 60%-70% ZnO additives for rubber. There are plenty of uses of zinc oxide in the rubber industry. It is used mainly in the rubber formulations.
ZnO Additives For Rubber: The Role Of Additives In The Process Of Vulcanization
The chemical process which converts polymers into durable materials through the introduction of cross-links is referred to as vulcanization. An example of vulcanization process is the sulphur vulcanization where the organic polymers are actually bridged together with the chains of sulphur. These cross links or bridges that are formed between each of the polymer chains drastically effects the mechanical properties of the polymer due to the vulcanization process.
When it comes to the role of Zinc Oxide it forms a major part in the formulation of rubber.
ZnO additives for rubber have gained much popularity in the past few decades due to number of it’s properties. Rubber materials such as amorphous polymers, elastomers are mixed with other components in order to form a complex compound. This leads to the making of vulcanized rubber. There are plenty of elastic rubber products which can stretch to several times more than the original length and therefore return to its original form without getting distorted.
As a material, rubber is more abrasion resistant when compared to steel. It doesn’t swell when it is put in solvents and it is not prone to any kind of chemical corrosion. The commercial rubber materials consist of polyisopre which is a natural rubber, while synthetic rubbers consist of polybutadien rubber, rubber etylenpropylendien,
styrene-propylene rubber, et cetera. When it comes to synthetic rubber it is actually produced through the condensation of unsaturated hydrocarbons. It is the commercial synthetic which is composed of butyl rubber, buna, neoprene and many others.
Role Of Zinc Oxide in the Formulation Of Rubber
1. The first step is activating the curing system. Stearic acid is mixed with zinc oxide which forms zinc soap. This helps in improving the solubility of zinc oxide.
2. The second step is improving the cross-link density. 3. The third and the final step is improving the aging properties of the vulcanized rubber. In conclusion, the important role of zinc oxide is therefore as a accelerator or an activator. It also acts as a sour agent where during the vulcanization process it helps in the absorption of many of the acidic substances. It is also great in improving the thermal properties of a compound.